Wisp's Spades Jack

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id #41926,
isälinja Got Discount GA (6 polvea), emälinja Redridinghood CTB (2 polvea) vain tietokantaan ilmoitetut

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4-polvinen sukutaulu

Wisp's Spades Ace Cinderella MRC
Wisp's Grand Tournament Síoraí Wisteria Sirocco VFU Redridinghood CTB
Grandeur PRG Gale Song PRG Reallyimportant Sands Twisted Sister Sands
Farleigh Granzino Silent Critic CT Final Storm Sands Godspeed Sands Realmix Feig Barboes Very Important Person TND Denial Twist Barboes Pop Icon
Godzilla Feig Farleigh Minore J Alfa Joe SNAK Silent Sneaking CT Stormteller Finally Fast Sadness Speed Isis Zed GA Reallycool GA Zed Magic Ddore's Reputation She's All That KR Naughty By Nature Only Lies Guaranteed Jaj Poppenhagen Safe Swedish
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Sales Race Global Net Serra Hat Trick Placa Placa En Ocaciones Guerrilla War National Nut Mark of Tabu Tethys Ares Moriko tuntematon tuntematon
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