Ashcroft Haynes


NimiAshcroft Haynes OmistajaAlly Rotu, sukupuoliconnemara, ori
In-Hand Driving30 pts Riding230 pts

Ponin kilpailutulokset


10.10.2016 Loitsulähde October M&M Show, 14. - 10p.
12.10.2016 Loitsulähde October Driving Show, 20. - 10p.
15.10.2016 Anfarwol Drivers & Handlers Gathering, 17. - 10p.


30.09.2016 Nerywick 1st Bundle Show, 16. - 10p.
01.10.2016 Nerywick 2nd Bundle Show, 13. - 10p.
17.10.2016 Nerywick Golden Colours M&M Show, 20. - 10p.
16.10.2016 KS Pink Pony Show, 5. - 20p.
17.10.2016 Nerywick Ride & Shine Pony Show, 17. - 10p.
20.10.2016 Cefnmoor Hometown Glory Show, 16. - 10p.
24.10.2016 Showbury Ride & Drive Pony Show, 3. - 30p.
22.10.2016 Nerywick Misty Moors Show, 14. - 10p.
25.10.2016 Nerywick Fleeting Moment Show, 14. - 10p.
27.10.2016 Noel Bring Back the Summer Show I, 12. - 10p.
28.10.2016 Noel Bring Back the Summer Show II, 4. - 20p.
29.10.2016 Noel Bring Back the Summer Show III, 13. - 10p.
25.10.2016 Cinnamoroll Riding Show, 5. - 20p.
28.10.2016 Cefnmoor Islay Show III, 5. - 20p.
27.10.2016 Nerywick Grande Pony Show, 13. - 10p.
27.10.2016 Mewian Dark Times Show, 20. - 10p.
09.11.2016 Shinevalley Summer Fever Show, 11. - 10p.

Ponin tittelihistoria

25.10.2016 Novice Performance Pony (Riding)